From sea to shore, there are amazing views on the island of Roatan in Honduras. Located on the second largest barrier reef in the world, the beaches are filled with alluring sea creatures. Schools of fish, serene turtles and bright coral make the diving and snorkeling experience like no other. You can find similar bright colors and sparkling views above the sea in the ports of Coxen Hole and Mahogany Bay. Here, the gemstones and diamonds at Diamonds International, Tanzanite International and DI Watch and Design mimic the gorgeous colors of the landscape. Shop duty-free prices at Diamond International stores with brands like Crown of Light, Safi Kilima Tanzanite, Forevermark and fine watches.

Store Locations:
1. Diamonds International Watch & Design
Port of Roatan, Town Center, Coxen Hole, Roatan, Honduras
2. Diamonds International Watch & Design & Tanzanite International
Mahongany Bay, Dixon Cove, Roatan, Honduras